To find a flight to Israel, enter the information as requested on the form. If you have any questions about available fares, or the flight you desire is not listed on the form, please email us.
Once you have entered your preferences and clicked the 'Submit Request' button, a list of available options will appear. The options are listed in alphabetical order at the top of the page, and in price order, from least to most expensive, in the body of the page. Choose the option that best suits your needs and budget, and add it to your Reservation Shopping Cart. This will save the information. You can delete an option from your Shopping Cart at any time, and there is never an obligation to purchase a ticket based on the contents of your Cart.
After adding a flight request to your Cart, you may search for another flight, or look for a hotel or car rental. When you are done shopping, and would like to send your requests to Israel to Go, return to the Shopping Cart page (by clicking on the 'View Reservation Shopping Cart Contents' link). You will be asked for your contact information. If you are requesting a flight, you will also be asked for the names of all of those flying so that we may reserve seats for those passengers. Submit the order form by clicking on the 'Book It!' button at the bottom of the page.
An email confirming that we have received your request will be sent out to you immediately. Israel to Go will contact you within one business day about your request.
Submitting a request does not guarantee a reservation. In some cases, the flights may be sold out and require waitlisting or a specific airline may not have scheduled flights to Israel on that day. We will advise the status and offer alternatives if your selection is not available.